
School Policies

The policies of the school guide and describe the main processes, functions and operations of the school. The Education Sub-committee is responsible for the development and review of policies at MPS as they undergo extensive consultation with students, staff and parents. Once the consultation process is complete the policies are ratified at the monthly school council meetings. The policies below will be reviewed annually and as part of a three-year review cycle, depending on the policy, in line with DET guidelines.

COVID-19 Return to School Policy 

Click to view / download Child Safety PDF files

Standard 1 - Child Safely and Effective Leadership
Standard 2 - Child Safety Policy Statement
Standard 3 - Child Safety Code of Conduct
Standard 3 - Student Code of Conduct
Standard 4 - Human Resources Practice
Standard 5 - Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting
Standard 5 - Procedures for Responding to Allegations
Standard 5 - Procedure when disclosure is made
Standard 6 - Risk Management Approach
Standard 7 - Promote participation and empowerment

Inclusion Principles

Cultural Safety for Aboriginal Children
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
Safety of Children with a Disability

Statement of Commitment
Communication of Policies
Philosophy Statement
Responding to Child Abuse
Child Safety Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures

Click to view / download School Policies PDF files (in alphabetical order) 
